When Will The World End?

By Ibraheem Dooba

When we were children, religious scholars told us that the end of the world was near. Any strange thing they saw, they attributed to the imminent termination of the world.

They repeated this so often that I became convinced that I was among the last humans. We would hear the sound, I thought, and I would tell my family and neighbours “we’re being called. Say your last prayers.”

Sadly, it appears that I wouldn’t be among the last fellows.

Look at it this way, we’ve been told that the world was ending since the time of the prophets. Thousands of years later and we’re still here.

Yet, we carry on as if the world is ending next Friday.

So is the world ending soon? Of course! Who am I to argue with religion? But “soon” is relative.

Experts say that this world was created 13 billion years ago. Pay attention to the B in the billion.

If this is true, then even if humanity is given another five thousand years it would be considered a few short years relative to the billions.

Therefore, it seems that I will die and my great-grandchildren will die before we hear that last sound.

I guess everyone’s end comes when he dies.

However, Allah knows best.

But now that I’ve sufficiently frightened myself, let me rush to good deeds and leave behind a legacy that will outlive me and benefit humanity.

May Allah grant us his mercy in this world and the hereafter.


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