…Are Dolphins Great Mathematicians?
“Intuitively, they are calculating a rate—the same rate question that students are given in algebra class (often over and over again, with no connection to a real situation).”

Can you imagine how much the animals are able to apply mathematics to their life activities?

How I wish our teachers have told us some of this activities, I never have heard of any until I started my research on easy math.

Thanks to Professor Joe Boaler for her efforts in opening minds to the essence of math.

I will like to show you this wonderful piece I learnt from her.

“Mathematics is also used by animals.

Dolphins make their characteristic clicking sounds, which rebound off other objects and echo back to the dolphin.

The dolphin then uses the length of time it takes for the sound to come back and the quality of the sound to know where their friends are.

Intuitively, they are calculating a rate—the same rate questions that students are given in algebra class (often over and over again, with no connection to a real situation).

From this, we can so draw a conclusion that if dolphins could speak human they could become algebra teachers!”

That’s not just all, in my next post, I will present Boaler’s explanation of the application of math by spider while making its web.

You are free to read my posts through my hashtag #learnersconcepts on fb on a regular basis.

Till I write again, I remain your passionate colleague, Babatunde Sheriff-Balogun of Tolabat Private Schools

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