CEO seeks conducive operating environment for tech experts

BY Temitayo Jaiyeola

The Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Bridge57 Solutions Limited, Mrs Roseline Ilori, has said there is need to make Nigerian environment conducive for technology experts to thrive.

According to her, Nigerian tech talents are highly sought after in the world and because the government was not doing enough, the talents were leaving for other countries.

She said, “The fact is that the environment we are in is not conducive enough for technology to thrive, so the government has to do more in that regard to bring out more technology to the fore.

“The ‘Japa syndrome’ has been a major challenge affecting our human capital potential, hence, the need to grow more of these professionals internally so that when some leave, many more would be around to keep the country going.”

Ilori stated that there was need for government at all levels and stakeholders to invest in all levels of the tech sector of the economy. She added that the government needed to be more proactive in making the nation’s tech environment conducive since its young population was interested in it.
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She stated that it was important to look beyond software development to robotics, artificial intelligence, bio-medicine, voice biometrics, and a host of other technology spectra.

According to her, such investments would shore up manufacturing competitiveness through authentication and traceability of goods and services, improve physical security and cyber security, among others.

Ilori added that despite the nation’s tech strides, it still lagged in terms of innovation. She stated that the nation needed to remodel its educational curriculum to engender early exposure to the nitty-gritty of technology and innovation.

She said, “Technology as of today is beyond computers and smartphones as it encompasses a whole lot which if youths are properly exposed to practice can yield massive economic potential and gains for the country.

“We must, therefore, rework the curriculum to accommodate technology, innovation, and robotics beyond the surface use of computers.”


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