Buhari Personifies 10 Years of Colossal National Failures And Unmitigated National Disasters

by Paul I. Adujie Esq.

An Appraisal of Buhari Buhari as president of Nigeria for 8 years, and as helmsman of a military dictatorship for several years earlier, before his return to power under Nigeria’s peculiar democracy, has been a series of net losses and deficits to Nigeria and citizens!

Buhari is the luckiest man on earth!
He was president of Nigeria for a cumulative timeperiod of ten years. Sadly, his squandered golden opportunities after another.
It is the case that very few human beings ascend to ultimate political power at different point in time or era of a given nation as has been the case with Buhari.

First, as coupist military power grabber and usurper of political authority, and, secondly, as a so-called democratically elected president in an election adjudged to be fraudulent!

Buhari is a shame and embarrassment to the maxim, to those whom much is given, much is equally expected!

Buhari was given so much by Nigeria, but Buhari gave absolutely nothing in return to Nigeria!

Nigeria is depleted and deminished by the occupation of Nigeria’s seat of political power for 8 years by Buhari.

As Buhari leaves the seat of power, Nigeria tilts and tethers at brinks of total collapse and disintegration.

This Plights and predicaments are inflicted on Nigeria, by Buhari who I once thought of as a man, whose political achievements and symbolism would be comparable in style and substance the General George Washington of America! Alas! Buhari neglected his presidential duties “in every material particular” both in general and specific ways!

Buhari presidency presided over a litany of woes and catalogues of catastrophic failures for Nigeria.

Buhari’s catastrophic failures in all spheres have put Nigeria in dire straits constitutionally, politically and particularly more so, economically, using the Naira exchange rate as yardstick and benchmark for the overall health of Nigeria’s national economy.

Buhari’s presidency was known for strains and stresses which he brought Nigeria’s national unity.

Buhari’s wrong headed policies, parochial and lopsided federal appointments established an irrefutable evidentiary fact, that Buhari is neither a patriot or nationalist, adjectives and appellations which I had imagined would have adorned a farewell speech which I have wished to write had Buhari accomplished anything for Nigerians and Nigeria.

But, instead, at the end of Buhari’s second and painful last sojourn at the apex Nigeria’s power, I hereby make a very public mea culpa, as I confess my guilt for be a Buhari presidency avid, self-avowed Apostle and supporter who was derided by family, friends, colleagues and even strangers, who “knew” from the onset, that Buhari isike an inert electric wire and vacant intellectually and impervious to great ideas and intligent advise by requisite experts

Buhari is bequeaths Nigeria with a broken, tattered and limping national economy.

As Buhari leaves office, his lackluster feckless performance is an open book for Nigerians, the world and posterity to see and judge

Buhari is leaving the Nigeria without any policy successes. Buhari’s time in office has no redeemable quality or saving grace whatsoever!

1. Buhari slept as Naira, Nigeria’s national currenncy has plummeted and it is now nearly 800 Naira to one US Dollar!

2. Nigeria’s public infrastructures are decayed and decrepit under Buhari’s sleepwalking government during the past 8 years.

3. Borno State is ravaged by intractable insurgency leaving Nigerian citizens in Borno state under siege and endless strife. Borno state is dear to my heart as my formative days, and my life’s pillers were moulded Borno

As Buhari himsellf was governor of the region which Borno is part.

And Buhari, as president with vaunted military training and background, fiddled as Boko Haram turned Borno into a permanent theatre of extreme violence and yet, Buhari has not managed to keep Borno state safe or Nigerian borders secure.

I feel compelled on this score to apologize to all Nigerians for helping to market Buhari for the Nigerian presidency, in which I assumed, wrongly, (in hindsight) him to be a patriot, a gallant soldier and a would be dynamic political leader, but alas! The facts and evidences are in, regarding Buhari’s zero achievement in every and all sectors!

Buhari has demonstrated beyond any iota or shadow of doubt, during the preceding 8 years that he sought political power for personal agrandizement and not for the health, wealth and happiness of all Nigerians and the greatness of our nation Nigeria.

Buhari is bereft of good governance! This is so, despite all the SECOND CHANCES which he had to do things right and do things correctly!
Buhari did not succeed as a military dictator and worse as a two terms elected civilian at the helms for 8 unfettered years!

There are no polite adjectives to describe the Buhari’s plethora of quagmire he shepherded and he leaving behind to festoon, permeate and possibly consume Nigeria

Buhari has now proven my critics righht! Buhari did not have it. Buhari could not give what he did not have!
He was a mere opportunist who usurped political power in Nigeria as top military and civilian political helmsman for hapless Nigerians and Nigeria at every turn… The dustbins of history awaits those who have repeatedly squandered again and again, Nigeria’s opportunities for greatness.

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