Group Pinks Uba Sani as Best lawmaker in 9th Senate

By AbdulGafar Alabelewe,

Kaduna Governor-Elect Senator Uba Sani has emerged the best senator in the 9th Assembly and the Most Valuable Parliamentarian in the National Assembly for sponsoring an unprecedented number of bills.

The award was given by OrderPaper Nigeria, an independent organisation focused on monitoring legislative activities, and inducting recipients in its Hall of Fame.

Reacting to the award, Sani said: ‘’I am humbled by the fact that of the over 400 lawmakers that made the final list, I emerged as the over all best performer. This is both gladdening and most encouraging.’’

‘’The facts used by OrderPaper to assess me and indeed other lawmakers in the 9th National Assembly are easily verifiable. They are in fact public knowledge. I did not, and could not have lobbied for this recognition. For this, I am extremely glad to accept and own this honour done me by the very profound team at OrderPaper Nigeria,.”

He commended ‘’ the professionalism and thoroughness of the team at OrderPaper led by the very cerebral Mr. Oke Epia.’’

‘’I have since learnt that the selection process the Organisation followed was extremely methodical and spanned over three years of painstaking data-driven research and routine monitoring of the activities of all the members of the 9th National Assembly.”

According to the legislator, the recognition by OrderPaper ‘’clearly shows that our impactful legislative interventions have not gone unnoticed. I appreciate this recognition much more because it is being bestowed on me purely on merit.

‘’As I assume office as the Governor of Kaduna State on May 29, by the grace of God, I am going to be very conscious of the fact that well-meaning and credible organizations like OrderPaper Nigeria are watching and assessing me very closely. This is the kind of check or monitoring our leaders need in every tier of governance.” (nation)

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