The most important ritual for political office holders

By Ibraheem Dooba

(Do this and you’ll never be afraid of anyone.)

Some people believe that there are individuals who dislike others for no particular reason. I disagreed with them. “Why should someone hate me when I’ve never carried any ill intentions toward anyone?”

But immediately after I was given a political appointment in 2015, people started throwing objects around my family compound. These things were clearly knotted in the dark chambers of evil magicians.

At first my people didn’t tell me until something that looked like a shrouded body was delivered. My uncle ordered it destroyed. Then they informed me. Why go through all the trouble, I wondered, when I’m only a chief press secretary?

Additionally, someone in Government House once said about me, “I’m going to show him!”
To which I replied: “there’s no contest. He has juju and bokaye while I have Allah.”

Another person, whom I had never seen in my life, told me the same thing on Facebook.

What did I do?

What gave me confidence and helped me stick to my principles is what the Prophet (peace be upon him) said we should do daily and about which Sheikh Gumi said “it’s more powerful than all the evil spirits and marabouts combined: recite Falaq and Nas.”

Consistently recite them three times in the morning and evening and above all, use your office to do good work and you would never be afraid of being hurt again.

Because without the confidence that The Omnipotent has your back, you can’t do anything great.

May Allah protect you all.

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