Borrow, Sell Your TV to Attend My Church Programme and Break Free from the Spell of Poverty – Pastor

A popular Pastor, Gospel Agochukwu, has challenged his followers to start saving money, borrow or sell their television if they have to, in order to attend his programme. He is the founder and senior pastor of Shekina Arena Gospel Ministry International in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Pastor Agochukwu invited all ministers and believers who are hungry for a life-changing encounter with God to attend his upcoming programme, titled “The Power of Vision”. This programme will run from July 10 to July 12, 2023, at the Shekina Arena auditorium in Port Harcourt.

Pastor Agochukwu claimed that those who could not raise money for transport to attend his programme were under strong attack. He expressed surprise that some persons living in the country were complaining of transport money to Port Harcourt when there would be free accommodation, feeding and registration.

According to Pastor Agochukwu, this programme is not for the faint-hearted or the complacent. It is for those who are ready to pay the price for their vision, to sacrifice their comfort and convenience for their calling, and to break free from the spell of poverty and ignorance that has held them back for too long.

He said that those who are serious about attending this programme should not let anything stop them, not even money. He said that he has made arrangements for free accommodation, free feeding and free registration for all participants. He said that the only thing they need to do is to find a way to get to Port Harcourt, no matter what it takes.

He challenged his followers to start saving money, borrow or sell their television if they have to, in order to attend this programme. He said that watching television is a waste of time and a distraction from their vision. He said that they need to sharpen their vision before they can enjoy their television.

He also revealed that he has invited a special guest speaker for this programme, Revd Dr Chidi Okoroafor, who is currently in the USA for a ministers conference. He said that Dr Okoroafor will be flying from there straight to Port Harcourt to share his wisdom and experience with the participants. He said that this is a rare privilege and an honour that should not be missed.

He urged his followers not to allow anyone or anything to bewitch them or manipulate them into missing this programme. He said that this is a one-time life encounter that will transform their lives forever. He said that this is their chance to break free from the spell of poverty and ignorance and enter into their God-given destiny.

He concluded by saying that he is expecting them with great anticipation and excitement. He said that he loves them and he is praying for them. He said that he believes that God will do something extraordinary in their lives through this programme.

He signed off with his signature phrase: “I am your friend, Pastor Gospel Agochukwu.” (sic).

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