KEMI ADEOSUN: Through Thick and Thin

by Dawn Commission

Adeosun Kemi, born on 9 March 1967 in London, England, comes from Nigerian parents who both hail from Ogun State. Her father, a government civil engineer in England, is from Ijebu-Waterside in Ogun State. Adeosun Kemi is the third child out of four children.

She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the University of East London, located in Borough, Newham, London. Additionally, she completed a postgraduate diploma in Public Financial Management from the University of London (School of Oriental and African Studies). She has attended various executive management programs, including leadership training at the prestigious Wharton Business School. In 1994, she also attended the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, which qualified her as a Chartered Accountant. She is a member of both the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW).

Kemi Adeosun has a diverse background in various fields such as Audit, Risk Management, Investment Banking, and Public Sector Financial Management. She has held positions at companies such as British Telecom, Goodman Jones, London Underground, Prism Consulting, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Chapel Hill Denham Management. In 2010, she started her own consultancy called The Quo Vadis Partnership.

In 2011, Kemi Adeosun took on the role of Commissioner for Finance in Ogun State after serving as the head of the Quo Vadis Partnership. She dedicated four years to this position, concluding her term in 2015. Throughout her tenure, she played a vital role in Governor Ibikunle Amosun’s objective to enhance the state’s economic situation. One of her notable accomplishments was the implementation of the Centralized Treasury System, also known as the Treasury Single Account (TSA), which was later adopted by the Federal Government when she became the minister of finance. Furthermore, she led the Tax Residency Campaign, which aimed to ensure that individuals living in Ogun State paid their taxes within the state rather than in Lagos State where they worked. This initiative resulted in a significant increase in tax contributors, with over 100,000 additional individuals contributing to Ogun State’s revenue. As a result of Kemi Adeosun’s successful efforts in growing the state’s Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) by 500%, she was recommended for the position of Minister of Finance in Abuja by the Ibikunle Amosun Administration.

In November 2015, Kemi Adeosun assumed the role of Nigeria’s Minister of Finance under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari. During her tenure, she implemented targeted fiscal spending and introduced the whistle-blower policy, which proved to be highly effective in combating financial crimes, rewarding individuals who reported wrongdoing, and exposing acts of corruption. Thanks to this policy, the government successfully recovered N7.8 billion of naira, US$378 million, and GBP 27,800. Additionally, N13.8 billion was recovered from companies involved in tax evasion, and a total of N439,276,099.86 was awarded to approximately 14 whistle-blowers for their invaluable tips.

She played a key role in establishing the Efficiency Unit, which aimed to improve government spending efficiency and generate savings. By implementing better management practices, such as reducing expenses on stationery and consumables, significant savings were achieved. In 2016, the unit saved N24 billion on office stationeries and computer consumables compared to the previous year, and an additional N10 billion in 2017 compared to the expenditure in 2016. Furthermore, she introduced the Treasury Single Account (TSA) policy, which helped uncover and eliminate ghost workers, a measure she had previously implemented during her time as commissioner of finance in Ogun State. She also played a crucial role in ensuring the continued implementation and compliance with the Biometric Verification Number (BVN) policy. Additionally, she initiated the use of software by the Customs Department to enhance their efficiency in carrying out their duties.

Under Adeosun’s leadership, policies were implemented to improve transparency in the payments system, procurement processes, and government asset management. The ongoing harmonization of insurance processes for government assets and liabilities across all MDAs was also prioritized. Green Bond and Sukuk Bond initiatives were also launched under her watch, leveraging her expertise and experience in the capital market and financial sector. These bonds were highly successful and contributed to sustainable development and infrastructure financing.

In September 2018, Mrs Kemi Adeosun stepped down from her role as the minister of finance due to the NYSC certificate scandal, which had cast doubt on her position within Buhari’s administration. During the heat of the scandal, Professor Itse Sagay testified to Adeosun’s capabilities and value to the government. “This woman is a brilliant and extremely valuable member of this government. A lot of the good things happening now—the welfare that Nigerians are enjoying and are going to enjoy because it takes time…how we got out of recession—are due to her expertise, her commitment, her sacrifice. There is nothing in this world that will make me remove such a woman from the government.”

However, three years later, the Federal High Court of Nigeria cleared her of all charges, proving her innocence. Throughout her tenure, she had been recognized as a transformative finance minister, leaving a lasting impact on the ministry and making valuable contributions to the country’s development.

After her resignation, Mrs Kemi Adeosun continues to make significant positive contributions to humanity. She established the DashMe Foundation in 2021 to assist disadvantaged individuals. She has also shown dedication to helping people at the grassroots level and supports Waterside Fisheries, a social enterprise that benefits fishermen and buyers. Before her government role, in 2009 she was actively involved in women empowerment campaigns.

Kemi Adeosun utilized her knowledge in finance and accounting for the betterment of her country and its people. Despite the controversy surrounding her Youth Service certificate, she conducted herself with integrity and dignity, ultimately resigning from her position to allow the law to take its course. Her actions are deserving of our utmost respect and admiration, and this earned her our Akinkanju badge of honor award for this week.


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